Friday, August 10, 2012

Final Countdown

Is here! Less than twenty-four hours and I'll be a married woman! Geez that is freaky!

I'd like to just stop here and say that I very much doubted if I would ever see this day come. Not because I figured I was too fat to be loved, but just because it seemed so impossibly difficult that you could find someone with whom you really thought you could--and would want to--spend the rest of your life. Obviously lots of peeps get divorced all the time, but my parents are still going strong after thirty plus years of marriage--this alone has always made me so afraid of divorce that I just considered never marrying, i.e. hopefully living 4ever with a partner but outside of wedlock. (That's a creepy word no matter what, eh?)

But mostly, I just couldn't imagine actually marrying anyone I dated. Some I cared for very much, but never before David did I understand that marriage is about starting a family, one that is different from the one in which I was raised, but just as close, supportive, hilarious, and comforting.

Thank goodness I found him.

I prolly won't have time to post tomorrow, but wish me luck, think nice thoughts for us, and enjoy these pics from our pre-wedding breakfast and bike ride today!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't wait for the wedding/weekend update.
    Also, I am always a bit jealous when you post bike ride pictures. I have yet to find good bike trails around after I moved to grad school. Plus, Iowa is pretty in its own right but Colorado is absolutely beautiful.

  2. Thank you so much!! I'll have more on the wedding update soon, but in the meantime I'm excited to hear about your med school adventures!! I know nothing about music but I've always been curious about what med school is like--can't wait to hear more:-)
