Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wedding Weekend

We've arrived in Crested Butte! Hooray! I'm especially glad because this time the drive felt like an eternity. Both David and I have been sleeping poorly, so we were both pretty sleepy and lethargic for the whole drive.

So I gots two things to show you all today: my feets, and my accommodations for the next few days.

First, the feets: Yesterday I went for my second pedicure in the last five years. They asked me if I wanted a punch card. Ha. (On that note, the next time David has to go for a colonoscopy we've decided that he is going to ask for a punch card and see what the doctor's reaction is. Will keep you posted.)

Anyhow, for my pedicure I went to this relatively new hip salon called Ten 20 ( Ten 20 is on Pearl Street and bills itself as a down-to-earth salon where you can watch TV, drink Diet Coke, and eat M&Ms while you are pampered. (Unless you're getting waxed. In that case you are relegated to one of their small, private torture chambers.)

I enjoyed talking to the girl who "did" my feets, but having looked at my feets up close since then I don't think she did the bestest job. Also, I wasn't able to fully relax because I was wearing a skirt and kept cursing myself for dressing so that the nail technician could see my bizness.

Second, the digs: We are staying at The Lodge at Mountaineer Square in Crested Butte, which is prolly the nicest hotel that I've ever stayed at. It's nice, but it still feels warm and comfy:

I guess it doesn't look like a mega-swanky hotel, but it's literally the size of an apartment, which makes it feel pretty luxurious!

The view from our room (with screen):

Not too shabby, indeed.

If only I could stop thinking about Haruki being at home with the dog sitter, wondering whether we are coming back:-( Sigh. But when we do come back we will be a legitimate wedded family, rather than two hippies living in sin:-)

*What's the nicest hotel you've stayed at?

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