Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday Updates

Ho hum, another dreary day around these parts. Apparently it's going to get a bit warmer and more sunny tomorrow, though, so at least I have that to feel good about.

Something else that's been making me feel good lately is millet. In case I didn't mention this last week, I recently tried millet and am really liking it! In case you don't know, millet is an ancient grain that, according to one website, is in fact not a grain but a seed. That's why it's often found in bird food. I've been eating it with some spices, olive oil, and beans lately, and it's tasty! Way better than yucky quinoa in my opinion. Last night we had it with some acorn squash:

We ate it with the fog rolling in around the house, and it really felt like winter.

Today has been pretty typical. First bootcamp, then a hair appointment. My hair has been growing at a much faster rate since getting knocked up, and I have to say I don't appreciate it much. My hair feels long and shaggy like two weeks after having it cut and getting it cut more often is kinda out of the question since it costs so much. At least I don't dye my hair; a girl at the gym told me today how much she spends between cuts and coloring. I guess I'd rather spend my money at the Whole Foods hot bar:-)

After my hair cut I went to have lunch at Native Foods. We had a coupon for a free lunch and I got their sesame macro bowl.

I got it with extra tofu so I could take some home and have for lunch at work this week.

After lunch I ran a quick errand at Target before meeting David for my baby appointment. Apparently there really is a baby in my stomach, and she will likely weigh about six and a half pounds when she's born in a few weeks. We didn't get any good shots from the ultrasound they took today, but here is a beauty of a little baby femur:

Still seems pretty creepy to me:-) If they had given us a picture of her spine I'd show that to you--it's even more creepy. It really looks like I have some kind of reptile in my belly. (Uh, in a good, super maternal way...heh.)

Not much else is going on around here. I have my last two days at work tomorrow and on Friday, after which I'm all about finalizing our baby stuff/plans and just generally being lazy. David keeps joking that he hopes I get into a cleaning nesting mode where I want to clean everything with a toothbrush, but I suspect that phase will not come. I think I'll spend next week mostly horizontal instead:-)

*No question today. Instead of thinking up a question I'll just think nice thoughts about all those people who have sad anniversaries to celebrate on Sept. 11.


  1. Hope you guys are safe up in Boulder! All the pictures I've seen have me so freaked out. I don't quite understand the quinoa craze. I mean, I think I'd rather eat rice. Or millet, for that matter :)

    1. We are safe and dry! No power since Thursday but luckily Sunshine Canyon didn't get too damaged and we can still drive to town to shower, use internet, eat lunch at Whole Foods, etc. You know--the essentials:-) Hope you're staying dry too!

    2. Westminster was completely fine. We drove by our new house in Denver and there was very minimal water spots in the basement that probably got in through the old coal shoot. Thank goodness for Whole Foods :)

  2. I still remember when Joanna got REALLY pregnant and I felt the first time our son REALLY kicked from inside.

    Sometime in the middle we were all excited and I felt the teeny tiny baby movements and we Oooh'd and Aaah'd. Then I guess that got old as I didn't feel for them for awhile. As the birth neared she said "OW!" and I went to feel her stomach, expecting a tiny baby movement like I did before. I swear a baby foot imprint showed itself and stuck out about eight inches. It was exactly like the movie Alien. Creepy.

