Wednesday, June 26, 2013


It's officially a roaster out there, people. Ninety-seven degrees in Denver today, though it's probably a bit cooler in Boulder and even just a bit cooler than that up at our house. Tomorrow it's supposed to be ninety-nine degrees. I'm working tomorrow, and I regret to inform you that the Humane Society does not air condition that place to my liking. Or to my pregnant liking, I should say.

Luckily it was a bit cooler yesterday so our house isn't too hot today. Tomorrow, however, is another story. That's why I'm glad I got some cool outdoor time in last night. David had to do some work on the trees we planted last year, so Haruki and I enjoyed a piece of banana bread out on the deck as he did so.

In case you were wondering, this is Haruki's official attitude towards the heat:

Yah, she boycotts it. She's pissed because she can't run as fast or as long when it's this hot outside. The good news is that all the little baby deer and birds she likes to catch don't move quickly in the heat either. Haha.

Today has been a pretty slow day, in part because of the heat and also because I have to work tomorrow and just like taking it easy before starting the work week again. I went to bootcamp, came home and showered, and then enjoyed a quick lunch courtesy of Whole Foods.

Afterwards I took a nap, from which I just awoke, and now I'm getting ready to go down to town to visit my friend Debbie, who had a baby boy last week. I'm bringing her chocolate, cold sparkling water, and a big batch of this noodle salad. I made a double batch so David and I could eat it for dinner last night too, and it's good--give it a try! I added parmesan cheese and roasted zucchini and squash too.

Later, hopefully it will cool off enough so David can go spoon his favorite girl out on our deck:-)

*Do you ever feel jealous of the attention your spouse gives to your pet? No? It's just me then, huh?

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