Monday, June 24, 2013

Errand Day

Yah, unfortunately I had to run a couple of errands and just generally take care of errand crap. First I dropped off my second pair of maternity jeans to be hemmed. Then I drove to two different DMV locations in order to change my name on my driver's license. Unfortunately, when I got to the correct location the wait time was two hours and nineteen minutes. I can't handle that, so I left and decided that I'd come back at some other time when it is hopefully less busy. (Like, not at the end of the month, for example.) I also mailed a package, took care of some bills, made some appointments, and returned emails that have been sitting around my inbox for awhile. 

But...I still had time for a movie after bootcamp, of course. Apparently I should soak up these "me" occasions since I won't be getting them when baby arrives. No problem there:-)

I saw Now You See Me, which is a thriller/heist type movie about a bunch of magicians. Sounds weird but it wasn't that bad actually. I grabbed hot bar from Whole Foods and proceeded to smuggle it into the theater so I could eat lunch during the movie.

That was mixed berries, the remains of a boatload of steamed broccoli, and a piece of tempeh. The tempeh was a bit too salty, but otherwise it was a nice lunch and a nice way to spend one of my days off. I still feel a bit guilty when I go to the movies mid-day in the middle of the week, but somehow that hasn't stopped me from continuing to do it.

Otherwise not too much is happening over here. I just ate a dinner of canned lentils and kale, and I'm about to eat some watermelon and catch up on Mad Men. I'm also going to check up on what happened today at Wimbledon. I'm pretty excited that Wimbledon started today and the Tour de France starts this Saturday.

*Do you watch the Tour de France or Wimbledon? If not, what sports events do you get excited to watch when they're on TV?

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