Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday Weekend Update!

So this is going to be a boatload of a post, I promise. My bad for not posting yesterday, but circumstances most definitely did not permit, and I hope you understand.

Anyhow, I still haven't recapped my weekend!! I'll try to make this as painless as possible...

I started the weekend off by treating myself to pancakes. David was out of town so I figured a nice big breakfast would assuage my utter loneliness:-)

I figured I'd give the maple syrup another shot...but sadly, its was still a no-go. I would still just rather have a huge blob of nut butter. On that note, has anyone tried this Earth Balance coconut/peanut butter?  I thought I'd give it a try since coconut stuff is all the rage, but it was so-so. Plus, is it just me, or does 65% of your daily saturated fat allowance sound like a lot??!!!

After breakfast, I headed down to Boulder Canyon to watch the USA ProCycling Challenge come through Boulder. It.Was.So.Exciting. Below is a crap pic I took as they rode towards me:

As luck would have it, I also ran into my friends Hudson and Kim!!

After watching them ZOOM by, I headed to Thornton to see my brother Brian, his wife Jennifer, and their new baby Ella. Jennifer was actually hosting a Pampered Chef party, but really I went for this:

Ella's eyes are so incredibly blue in person, and lucky for her they are likely to stay that way since her mom is blue-eyed as well! Another Ella highlight: while holding her my thumb apparently got too close to her mouth, since she quickly grabbed it and stuffed it in her mouth! It was adorable (not adorbs, people), though it made me sympathize with her mother because that girl has some serious suction power!!

The rest of the weekend (and Monday) wasn't too eventful, but things picked up again yesterday! After working at home in the morning I hit up a Body Pump class at the gym, after which I rushed around running errands before meeting David to get ... our marriage license!

Yes, we have been very delinquent on this. But not because we don't like each other:-) This is the nice lady who legally granted our marriage:

She did not want to have her photo taken, but then I screamed, "It's my freaking day!" and she relented. Anyway, so now I guess the state says we're married too. Shrug. I'm so confused about which date should be our official wedding anniversary, though--the date of our wedding, or yesterday? Perhaps cake on both days?

Finally, the last update I have for this monster post is to fill you in on our activities after we got married yesterday afternoon. We were rushing around because we had to meet our friend Adam and his sister, who is visiting from London, at a trail head for a hike. We hiked up Green Mountain, and despite it being relatively hot, these two managed still to look pretty cool:

The view:

After hiking, we dashed over to Whole Foods to grab some dinner and eat outside. Unfortunately we didn't get home until almost ten, which is why I was unable (too tired) to blog last night.

And I'm off again, since tonight we're driving down to Denver to have dinner with David's family for his niece's birthday. We are going here:, and I will take pictures!!!

*If your wedding date and official marriage date are different, which do you celebrate? Are there any professional sports that literally make you pee yourself from excitement when watching in person? (Or, I guess, when watching on TV?) (We try to be inclusive here on NCK.)

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