Thursday, March 7, 2013

Schizo Weather

Heya peeps, and Happy (Finally) (Freaking) Thursday! It is sunny and sixty degrees here in Boulder, so right now I'm typing from a sunny spot in a coffee shop, waiting to go to the Humane Society for my weekly shift. (*I wasn't able to get this up in time before my shift, however, so now it's nighttime!) Before you all get too envious, however, I should say that we're expecting a really big storm on Saturday, so though it's spring here today it will be winter the day after tomorrow:-(

Yesterday we had really nice weather too, which was especially nice because we had exceptionally nice plans last night. Our friend Bradley, who has been living in New Zealand for the past six months, came back for a visit, so we met him and a few other friends for dinner at City O' City in Denver.

I didn't get any pictures of Bradley or our friends, but I did snap a picture of what David ate.

David had some vermicelli asian salad, which looked okay, but not as good as my veggie burger.

Admittedly broccoli as a side isn't very glamorous, but hey--sometimes it's just about getting a few nutrients in.

Otherwise things here are pretty quiet. David has been really, really busy with work and I'm busy with polishing off this dissertation. This morning I was actually wondering how long after graduation I have until people start asking me what I'm going to do now. Also, for how long will I be able to say "I just graduated?" That second question is the more important one, since there's a very fine line between having just finished a degree and just being a regular unemployed person.

And finally, something totally random. From my spot right now I can see a man outside talking to a friend while he "chews," you know, on some tobacco. He has one of those round little cans of chew and a spittoon too! I'll just file that under "thingsyouneverseeinboulder."

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