Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Wassup, playas? Heh. I try to be pretty conscientious when it comes to things like racial stereotypes, but I'm pretty sure that I'm way too white to say things like that without it being tongue-in-cheek. I mean, my skin is practically translucent, after all. I'll spare you the photos, but you really can see all the veins in my arms.

Anyway, how is your Wednesday coming along? I for one am really excited that it's Wednesday, because that means it's almost the weekend. And not just any weekend, but Super Bowl weekend: the perfect excuse to eat whatever you want and do nothing productive all day on Sunday. (Even if you are only moderately interested in football and even less interested in either the Baltimore Ravens or the SF 49ers.)

Today, however, is not Super Bowl Sunday, though you wouldn't know it from looking at these pictures of Haruki lounging around this morning. I swear that dog thinks she has it really hard.

I did work this morning until around eight-thirty, at which time I went down to town to go to the gym and the grocery store. I also ran to Target, where I bought a toilet brush, floss, razor blade heads, and coasters. Geez I hate going to Target when I don't "need" anything fun. Fun = any makeup, skincare, or body products. Guess I'm going to have to "lose" my mascara again.

I came home for lunch around noon, and concocted this salad:

That's mixed greens mixed with spinach mixed with little sweet peppers and a broccoli/carrot slaw. I haven't been in the mood for salads for, like, a year, but for some reason I had one last night and wanted one again today.

I also ate some pretend nachos, which just means brown rice chips topped with Titanium Dioxide cheese and Rotel (diced tomatoes mixed with jalapeƱos).

And now? I'm recovering from a serious revision/work session and thinking about watching the latest episode of Teen Mom 2. I am so ready for Chelsea to get over Adam--anyone else with me? (Or did I just lose my last two readers?)

*Do you like eating salads? Really, I mean, do you really like eating them?


  1. That nacho description was hilarious. I went through a year-long stage where I LOOOOVED salad. Like actually wanted one every day, but that passed and now I don't have them nearly as often and when I do they have to be really fun and filling or I generally hate it. I don't watch Teen Mom but I watch lots of other things that are probably just as devoid of any intelligence, so no judging here.

    1. If only I could get David hooked on some trashy TV show then he wouldn't be able to judge me either...
