Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Legally Living

Guess who passed their county home inspection today?!! That's right, our nueva casa! This doesn't really mean much, except that we are now legally allowed to be doing what we've been doing for two months. Woohoo! Now if the contractor would just finish the house...

Before the county inspection, I did what I always do in the morning: I made coffee, I walked Haruki, and I drank coffee. Yah--hot coffee. Hot decaf coffee, to be precise. Even when the temps are in the 100's, there is still just something about a cup of dark coffee with a blip of vanilla soy milk (aka sugar water).

Introducing my favorite mug! I will not drink my morning coffee out of any cup but this one. It has the perfect volume as well as the perfect lip/sipping thickness. (TWSS) 
After coffee and some internet, I went to do some running intervals at the gym, followed by Body Pump and some delicious lunch treats at WF. These included green curry and brown rice, cherries, and watermelon.

I also ran sixty two errands. I hate running errands, but today my big errand was going to formally adopt Haruki. Seeing her old kennel at the shelter and thinking about her life there was über sad. But I'm really happy that she is in our lives for good now!

Even though she's kinda slutty.
I also went to the Post Office, where I saw this:

And when I got home I had an even better view!

Even though David's house burned down less than two years ago, I still find it exciting to see a fire that close. I'm a small and petty primate person.

After a few dramatic hours and several more foreboding strikes of lightning, things started looking up though!

A freaking rainbow!!! So, the moral of the story is that even when your house burns down, God still shines colorful light down on you. But then he turns the flames back up, since David just informed me that with nightfall he can now see that there are still flames, and they are being spurred by gusty winds. I used to ride my bike in this area daily, and I just want to send out good thoughts to all the peeps with houses up there, and also to all the wild turkeys that gobble shit up around there. Seriously. There are lots of cute wild turkey herds up there. I hope they are safe.

*Do people keep wild turkeys as pets? Do you have any pets? 

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